Sandia Labs FY22 Laboratory Directed Research & Development Annual Report


David G. Moore was nominated and accepted into the Academia Nondestructive Testing (NDT) International Society during its 13 th General Assembly Meeting. The society, with 72 worldwide full members, is focused on promoting science, conducting research, developing new diagnostic tools, and encouraging the

application of findings in the field of NDT. Moore has been a key team member on numerous LDRD projects since 2017, focusing on developing technologies to optimize gas transfer system designs, identifying hard-to find flaws in additively manufactured components, and developing new approaches to the design of damage tolerant structures.

“I have found that working on LDRDs during my career has allowed me to think bigger picture and study problems at a deeper level. It has also given me the skills to present at conferences and write journal papers with staff members and students.”


Bo Song, recently recognized as a 2020 Asian American Engineer of the Year by the DiscoverE Engineering Program, has been designated a Society for Experimental Mechanics Fellow as recognition “for his cutting-edge research in Dynamic Behavior of Materials…[who] has established himself as a well-recognized leader of the Experimental Mechanics community.” Song has contributed to numerous LDRD projects since 2014, focusing on characterizing additively manufactured materials under loading conditions, developing novel barrier coatings, and designing next generation physical protection systems for asset transportation.

(Photo by Lonnie Anderson)

“LDRD has helped me build multidisciplinary knowledge and connections. I like to see “crazy” LDRD ideas because I believe they will become real and a foundation in the future. The LDRD program is a great investment for tomorrow.”



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