Sandia National Labs Academic Programs Collaboration Report

Lester Coney, a sophomore in computer science at NC A&T, is already applying what he learned during his summer Sandia internship at school. He is now working with Linux clusters and Python scripting and running high-performance environment computing. Sandia senior manager Dawn Flicker, who facilitated the FES pilot project, said that the Sandia experience exposed these students to the excitement of helping

deliver fusion energy, which could substantially power modern society while mitigating climate change. “We felt this early-college experience could help influence their career choices and even whether to attend graduate school.”

Lester Coney’s experiences as a Sandia summer intern have led him deeper into computing languages.

NC A&T undergraduate Eryal Reinhart, a summer intern at Sandia is considering switching her major from engineering to materials science.

Bria Cook’s intern experience at Sandia has encouraged her to seek a science doctoral degree rather than end her education after earning her bachelor’s degree.


2021-2022 Collaboration Report

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