Sandia National Labs Academic Programs Collaboration Report

Strengthening relationships with university partners through joint appointments

The Faculty Loan Program for Joint Appointments is all about strengthening relationships with university partners. The program allows Sandia scientists and engineers and professors and researchers from academia to leverage the capabilities of the other institution. It also enhances project work, supports the talent pipeline for Sandia, and offers insight into collaborative opportunities. Sandia staff who are joint appointees to partner universities (outbound appointees) are formally approved to engage on company time with academic institutions for educational or collaborative activities. Benefits to participating Sandia staff include: • Access to university resources including shared equipment, facilities, and internal funds • Ability to lead/participate on projects and proposals as university faculty members with a “principal investigator” status • Ability to mentor/supervise graduate students as a member of the Graduate Faculty • Remaining a full employee of Sandia with all associated benefits while enabling university collaborations • Enhancing workforce development, recruitment, and retention • Knowledge of university strategic direction/ objectives and an understanding of further ways to effectively partner together Benefits to Sandia include:

University faculty who are joint appointees to Sandia (inbound appointees) remain employees of their home institution and are loaned to Sandia for a maximum of half time. Benefits to participating faculty include: • Access to Sandia resources (including experimental and computational capabilities), leveraging staff expertise, and the ability to partner with Sandia staff members to compete for internal Laboratory Directed Research & Development (LDRD) project funding. • Ability to participate in “DOE Lab-only” projects and proposal opportunities • Remain a full faculty member of their university with all associated benefits while enabling Sandia collaborations Benefits to participating universities include: • Knowledge of DOE and Sandia strategic direction/objectives and an understanding of further ways to effectively partner together • Advancing national security capabilities and technology transfer


Academic Programs

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