Sandia National Labs Academic Programs Collaboration Report

Gabriel Shipley , a 2022 Truman Fellow, received his doctorate in electrical engineering from the University of New Mexico, and had worked at Sandia for eight years as an undergraduate student intern and a graduate student intern. As a student, Shipley led 75 shots on Mykonos, a relatively small Sandia pulsed power machine, significantly broadening its use. “I was the first person to execute targeted physics experiments on Mykonos,” he said. He used the results to convince management to let him lead seven shots on Sandia’s premier Z machine, an expression of confidence rarely bestowed upon a student. “ I got amazing support from colleagues ,” he said. “ These are the best people in the world .” He plans to investigate the origins and evolution of 3D instabilities in pulsed power-driven implosions. Alicia Magann , a 2022 Truman Fellow, was a DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellow and also served as a graduate intern .in Sandia’s Extreme-Scale Data Science and Analytics department. Magann received her doctorate from Princeton University and is developing a “quantum information science toolkit” to speed the emergence of quantum computers as research tools. At Sandia, she is working with her mentor Mohan Sarovar in Sandia’s Quantum Computer Science department to develop algorithms for quantum computers that can be used to study the control of molecular systems. “ I'm most interested in probing how interactions between light and matter can be harnessed towards new science and technology ,” Magann said.

Truman Fellow Gabriel Shipley hopes to ameliorate a major problem with Z pinches by investigating the origins and evolution of 3D instabilities in pulsed-power driven implosions at Sandia’s powerful Z machine.

Truman Fellow Alicia Magann will explore the possibilities of quantum control in the era of quantum computing during her fellowship at Sandia. She’s interested in harnessing interactions between light and matter.

Sandia has numerous postdoctoral positions and

fellowship opportunities . More information is available on each, along with instructions on how to apply.


2021-2022 Collaboration Report

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