Sandia National Labs Academic Programs Collaboration Report

and Arthur Hernandez, representing Sandia’s Emulytics capabilities, also hosted an in-person two-part Emulytics workshop session highlighting Sandia’s virtualization tools and support for the Scalable Open Laboratory for Cyber Experimentation (SOL4CE) platform. Ethan Emmons from Edina, Minnesota was one of four students on the first-place team. This junior studying cybersecurity and network engineering technology in Purdue’s Polytechnic Institute said, “It gave me a realistic, low-stakes environment to apply the cybersecurity and networking knowledge and skills I have learned in the three years I have been at Purdue.” Kamlesh “Ken” Patel, who manages Sandia’s campus partnership with Purdue and helps host the campus competition, noted, “TracerFIRE is a way for us to expose the next generation of cyber security professionals to research efforts underway at Sandia to solve challenging problems. Students may not know about career opportunities available in defending the nation against cyberattacks. This program allows us to help train top talent while students learn about careers in cybersecurity. It’s a win-win.”

Tracer FIRE is a way for us to expose the next generation of cyber security professionals to research efforts underway at Sandia to solve challenging problems.” “

Students at NC A&T participate in one of the TracerFIRE events in 2021.


Academic Programs

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