Sandia National Labs Academic Programs Collaboration Report

Research collaboration workshop aligns future engagements

In March 2022, Sandia and UC Berkeley held a full day research workshop with over 40 attendees to discuss areas of alignment. Sandia Academic Programs Senior Manager Diane Peebles provided an overview of the Sandia University Partnership Network. Sandia’s Campus Partnership Manager for UC Berkeley Ken Patel, Craig Tewell, Sandia’s Campus Executive (CE) for UC Berkeley, and Berlinda Eras, Sandia Deputy CE, outlined their respective roles and responsibilities. Tarek Zohdi, UC Berkeley Associate Dean for Research, organized the workshop. Zohdi stated of the new partnership, “Within the last decade, society has experienced dramatic challenges that now demand the brain trust of engineers, scientists, and policymakers. Sandia and UC Berkeley’s partnership furthers near- and long-term strategic goals for research collaborations, leveraged capabilities, and unified talent pipeline development to support the nation’s national security mission, and UC Berkeley is extremely honored to participate.” The workshop’s first pillar of engagement was to familiarize Sandia PIs and UC Berkeley faculty with respective research areas, with a strong goal of highlighting complementary research efforts for

future collaboration. The second pillar was centered on providing a pipeline for student engagement and enrichment. Strong areas of synergy were identified in climate change, energy systems, pandemic resiliency, food security, cybersecurity, infrastructural renewal, aerospace, advanced manufacturing, biodefense, materials engineering, cybersecurity and data analytics, nuclear non-proliferation, quantum information systems, nuclear and radiological sciences, design methodologies, and computational science. Andrew Reddie, UC Berkeley Assistant Professor of Practice in Cybersecurity, coordinated the speakers. “As a former Sandian and now Berkeley faculty, I am keenly aware of the mutual benefits available to both institutions and am excited by the potential of the collaboration to foster research and drive teaching on campus and develop the next generation of scientists, engineers, and policymakers while supporting the ongoing work of the Laboratories in the national interest.”

Sandia’s Campus Executive to UC Berkeley Craig Tewell participated in a full day research workshop to identify opportunities for future collaboration.


2021-2022 Collaboration Report

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