Sandia National Labs Academic Programs Collaboration Report


Sandia researcher Matthew Lane led the team in developing a powerful new in-situ X-ray diffraction diagnostic capability to capture and characterize the extreme compression states found during dynamic compression. “Our UNM collaboration was a key element to the project’s success and impact. The lab at UNM exceeded our expectations for their synthesis and analysis capabilities.”

The modeling efforts focused on prediction of phase transition mechanisms in CdS single crystals, and the team demonstrated a simulated XRD pattern from modeling simulations and compared to experiments from Knudson, et al. This project led to one contributed presentation, one invited presentation, and a manuscript accepted for publication. Project success is paving the way for phase transition research in a variety of materials with mission interest by dramatically enhancing Sandia’s experimental capability and understanding of microstructural dependent phase transformation kinetics. Pressure-driven assembly also has promising applications for large-scale fabrication of nanostructured materials from a wide variety of nanocrystals.

Initial ambient Wurtzite phase and dynamically compressed rock salt phase X-ray diffraction patterns from pressure-induced phase transition experiments on Thor.


2021-2022 Collaboration Report

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