Sandia National Labs Academic Programs Collaboration Report

Growing partnerships and opportunities across the country

During 2021-2022, Sandia greatly expanded its network of strategic academic partnerships . While all of the universities in this report and many others have collaborated with Sandia on numerous research and development projects in the past, strategic partnership agreements facilitate a more streamlined process for researchers at Sandia and faculty at the universities.

On April 29, 2022, representatives from Sandia and North Carolina State University celebrated an agreement allowing both parties to share resources and collaborate on research to improve national security and promote technology for the common good.

Sandia leaders commemorated a new strategic academic partnership with the University of Texas at El Paso on February 15, 2022. The goals of the partnership include

increasing mutually beneficial research engagements and offering new opportunities for diverse enhancement of Sandia’s talent pipeline while increasing visibility of STEM careers.


Academic Programs

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